Saturday, November 10, 2012

A Bit O' Moldovan Culture

Eat the chicken's neck and brain. Why not? Shelbi was grossed-out about this, but John took the opportunity to release his inner zombie and devour BRAINS!!!

We really enjoy walking around Briceni. Luckily for us, there are some interesting things to see.
This is the "den" of the dogs. It is where they sleep and they each have little "nests" in the dirt. Seen dogless it just looks kind of dirty. Add 5-10 dogs, and it becomes their home.

? We don't know why ?
The practicality calls for a village shepherd or two who take the village's cattle out to pasture everyday. They simply return the cattle by walking them down the street. That time of day in the villages is a little chaotic, but most of the cows know their home and get back easily. Why do we feel like such city-slickers so often? We continue to realize how disconnected we are from our food as Americans.

Similar to America, villages and cities often have a kind of founder's day. Here, however, the day falls on the date the church of the city opened/had its first service. Briceni's Ziua Orasului (City Day) falls on October 14th, incidentally the same date as the capital, Chisinau. For the city's celebration, there was a concert in the central park with speeches and performances followed by a discoteca (dance) and finally, fireworks.  The first picture includes our mayor and some other note-worthies of Briceni and Moldova. The second is a shot of some of the students from our school singing.

Be sure to check the post about baking with Shelbi as we update it based on her newest cooking adventures.

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