Sunday, September 9, 2012

Beautiful Briceni

When we first arrived for a visit in the summer, Briceni was a sweltering sweat-bath with all the humidity and we really didn't have time to enjoy it. These past few weeks have presented a very different small city to us. I would like to just load a lot of pictures here for you to see some of the very beautiful things we get to see. We are trying to make daily walks (pleasure walks, health walks, etc.) a habit. 


This is at the top of the park, looking down towards the city. If the trees didn't block the view, you would see about a half-mile-long park. It is very nice and in the center of the city.

This is a Moldovan-nationalist billboard showing a map of Moldova as it existed at its largest. At one time it included land all the way into the Carpathian Mountains currently in the middle of Romania!

 Above are more shots of the park and center. The pavers you see create a network of pleasant walkways along the long park.

Just an old house full of character. The Sun's sight coming around the roof and side really framed this old shack with a halo.

Briceni's piata is where we generally buy our food and things. On certain days it is a hustling, bustling raucous ruckus. It is a little stressful because Russian is spoken more than Romanian, but with patience, smiles, gesturing, and help, we somehow have managed. 

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