Sunday, September 9, 2012

1st Day of School!

     The whole country of Moldova celebrates the first of September as the first of school. Their school calendar runs from September until May, a very clear calendar. If the first of September falls on a weekend, as it did this year, classes begin on the following Monday.
     The whole school met on Monday, September 3rd outside the buildings for a celebration and traditions. A representative from the Ministry of Education, a Vice-Mayor of Briceni, two orthodox priests, and many parents were there that morning. One striking moment was when four 12th form (or grade) boys took four 1st grade girls parading in front of everyone by holding them on their shoulders. As they paraded, the 1st form students rang the "first bells" to signify the beginning of school. John gave a short introductory speech in Romanian before the students all had a class with their home-room teacher and a couple more classes. Here are some pictures to help you visualize our experience:

School dress code for special occasions is blank and white clothing.

John and one partner, Irina.

These are the 1st graders joining the group. The teacher in the front holds a traditional Moldovan welcome meal of bread and salt.

A priest prayed and blessed the students, teachers, and school year. They blessed with prayers and by sprinkling holy water on everyone.

John's other partner, Tamara. Tamara speaks English very well and has two kids, pictured below. Her husband is also very nice. We look forward to getting to know their family.

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