Monday, April 22, 2013

Spring is Here!!!

These are just some pictures and a video of the remnants of winter. They were taken about a month ago in Briceni.


 Above are beautiful evergreen trees and the Moldovan flag decorating the raion (think state or county) building in Briceni.
 John giving some awards to students who participated (and two who won 3rd place!) in a Moldova-wide English writing competition.

It's like the whole community was holding its breath and now it can breathe. Seriously, that was the longest winter of our lives! I am so happy to write "was." We are just starting to preview what Moldova will offer come later spring, summer, and even into the autumn. Buds are forming on the trees and birds are getting restless. There is a mother of puppies that ushers her young around a courtyard-like area near our apartment, and it is very pleasing to watch them play.
Our spirits are lifting with the clouds and the sun is definitely bringing renewed energy into our lives. We went camping this last weekend in a nearby forest, and although the trees weren't yet green, just to be outside and enjoying God's playground for us was wonderful.
Ah, life couldn't get any better.  Jaime Wheeler should recognize the book.
 The sun is just setting through the trees.
And yes, the little tree did hold us through the night. It's a tough little bugger!
 We are planning some time with the church members to go to the forest and have a bbq and fun day. Every year the 1st of June is Kid's Day (Ziua Copiilor) in which teachers take their students to the forest for a fun day. This year it happens to fall the day after the last day of school, so it will be a wonderful Saturday indeed.

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