Sunday, July 15, 2012

Picnic in Truşeni

Shelbi and I get to visit each other on the weekends. Since we both have Romanian language classes Saturday mornings until 12:30 p.m., that means we get half of Saturday and most of Sunday together. Lately, Shelbi has been staying Sunday night, too, and leaving early Monday morning for her classes in Bacioi.
A few weeks ago I met Shelbi in Chişinau on a Saturday and we came together to Truşeni. As soon as we got here, my host mom and her friend let us know about a picnic they'd planned. We were glad to go. Here are some pictures of that event.
We went to the garden home/retirement home of Doamna Claudia and Domnul Victor.

Shelbi is pulling potatoes with Doamna Claudia.

The dark smoke behind Shelbi had nothing to do with her working in the garden.

Domnul Victor raises the well bucket for the proclaimed best water around.

This was our dining spot.
The victims!

Domnul Victor shows John how to sharpen and use a scythe.
Only slightly better than Gollum's approach :)  The fish were tasty!

Don't eat me!

This is a neighbor of Domnul Victor. He has a large greenhouse with very healthy tomatoes. His wife is a doctor in the local hospital.

John helping with the watering in the evening.

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