Friday, June 15, 2012

June 15, 2012

I slept so hard last night and slept in late on accident, but I felt great because of it. I feel we don’t have time for anything. Everything is so planned out and we are always going.
Today we started once again with language class. The biggest stress of them all is not knowing the language, so therefore it’s the biggest thing to work on. After language class we went to Chişinau where I got to see John, and we had team-building exercises. We did all the stuff we used to do in youth group, like get in a circle and all sit in each other’s laps, or put all your members of the team through a web of string between two trees. It was fun, and John ended up being on my team, not on purpose, so we got to hang out more. I will get to spend the night in his city with him tomorrow. I am excited about that, but a little sad I will miss the disco here in Bacioi tomorrow night.
A view of Chişinau in the distance from John's village, Truşeni
After our team building in Chişinau, we all went back to our villages. Our group of 8 people here in Bacioi all went out to the bar to study together. Even our LTIs (language training instructors) came and hung out. We were the only ones there beside a couple with their 3 year daughter who kept coming over to play with us. It is neat how close our group has become. I am so blessed with the people around me. They are amazing people with great personalities and impressive backgrounds. At the bar the waitress invited us to a disco (or what we say in America as a dance) tomorrow night there at the bar. I will be in John’s village though it sounds like a fun cultural event.
Funny thing at the bar: I was trying to buy a glass of wine, but somehow ended up buying a BOTTLE of champagne. I just shared it with the other girls. The whole bottle was only 60 lei which is like less than 6 dollars. Not bad.
Anyways, once again I am exhausted and have so sleep. Eu sunt obosita (I am tired).
Love you all


  1. Hang in there Shelbi, you're doing great. Time change for me to adjust to the big ones takes about 9 days or more. I was never so tired and it adds to all the other things. I love your story. You will grow stronger with this adventure and be able to teach others so much better. Keep the faith! We miss you here too! All the best Cindy

  2. Thank you, Cindy. We will try to keep you updated. It is great to get your words.
