Thursday, May 2, 2013

A Spring Day in the Forest...With 9th Graders

Yesterday was Ziua Munchii (Labor Day) so we didn't have to work and the students got a day away from school. The 9th form (grade) organized a day in the forest and invited us along. We were surprised to be taxied out to the forest (normally a 30 minute walk) because we have walked there a few times and it's a pretty nice walk.
The 9th form and John's partner teacher, Tamara, who is their dirigenta (class teacher).
Our hammocks were great hits. They were never unoccupied and generally enjoyed with smiles or closed eyes.
Tamara marinated the meat, but the boys handled the fire cooking in the forest. Tamara and some students peeled potatoes which the boys fried on the fire. Everything was delicious!

Some of the gals prepared traditional Moldovan salads and shared with everyone. We had put some gatorade powder into a water bottle and brought that. The kids compared it to Sprite and loved it. We realized we should have brought more. (Peace Corps used to give it out for rehydrating)
14 out of 30 students was pretty good, we thought, for an optional excursion to the forest.
The frisbee was popular, too.
Shelbi made lemon-poppy seed muffins, so it was a real feast out in the forest.
I bet your mouth is watering. Yes, the food was as tasty as it looks.

With the coming of May 1st, spring is well under way. Unfortunately, temperatures have already reached summer levels (nearly 90 F!). Shelbi and I also realize we only have 1 more month of school here. Next week is a vacation for Easter and the whole town is preparing everything to be just perfect. They whitewash anything needing it, clean up trash, beautify their gardens, and clean their homes. Sunday morning at 5 a.m. Orthodox Christians will go to the church with some food in a basket (think Easter basket) and wait along the road until the priest blesses the food with holy water. They will then return home and have a meal with family. The week after, they go to the cemetery and spend time near the graves of their loved ones. We are looking forward to experiencing this religious/cultural aspect, but also to have another bbq in the forest with the evangelical church we've been attending.